In Jordan, textbooks overwhelmingly teach reading through whole words, instead of first introducing letter phonics and voweled variations. This approach to teaching Arabic has not yielded efficient results, and places complex demands on young children for literacy acquisition, as demonstrated by recent poor Early Grade Reading Assessment results (2012-13). Jordanian public schools require literacy programs that can address the current gaps in early grade reading while considering limited per capita education resources and the need for cost effective solutions.
This innovation aims to build a comprehensive, interactive and animated Arabic early grade literacy program (50 eBooks). The program will introduce reading through a leveled reading program; provide automated corrective feedback and recommendations for a child-centered and differentiated approach to learning; and be accessible through an online platform and mobile application in schools and at home. This project will be rolled out in 20 ICT-enabled Jordan Education Initiative (JEI) Discovery Schools. To complement the online platform, Little Thinking Minds will run after school literacy clubs for participating students, twice a week for a full academic year.
Project Reach
10 schools and 350 students with the potential for national and regional expansion
Integrated Services - Indigenous Solutions, Jordan Education Initiative, Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation